Concert Date: August (Exact Date TBD)
Submission Deadlines:
· Notification of general interest: March 25, 2022
· Submission of score: May 31, 2022
Submission: with title “Iron Giant Collaboration”
Concert Location: Railroad Park and 2 more parks TBD
Instrumentation: Undefined (Read the “What” section below)
Duration: No specific duration, though the program will be for a total of 60 minutes of music.
BAMA collaboration with Iron Giant Percussion. Iron Giant Percussion is a contemporary music ensemble based in Birmingham, Alabama.
A concert series of pieces of indeterminate style/instrumentation to be performed at different parks in Birmingham. Each composer would write a piece of 2-4 parts for undetermined instruments. The parts can have descriptors on the type of sound such as “metallic”, “melodic”, etc. but it would not be for a specific instrument. Iron Giant would then choose the instrumentation to go along with the piece. The instruments won’t necessarily be your standard instruments (they’ve created xylophones from bottles for example).
Examples of compositions“In C” – Terry Riley.
· A workshop will also be provided by Iron Giant on writing for percussion/in an indeterminate style as well to assist the composers. Iron Giant will be available for composers to contact as they write their pieces after the workshop.
- Before March 25, notify if you’re interested in composing a piece for the concert or attending the workshop. Those interested in composing for the concert are highly encouraged to attend the workshop.
· Concert to be in the August timeframe
· BAMA request for general interest to end March 25
· BAMA call for scores to end May 31
· Workshop in late March (exact date TBD)
· 3 parks in total. 1 at Railroad Park, the other 2 TBD.
Other Notes:
· Each concert may have the same pieces (depending on the number of submissions), but it could be an entirely new experience based on the instruments used.
· Iron Giant has mentioned they have pieces from BAMA composers but often can’t perform them because of the instrumentation. This style of writing would allow them to continue to perform the pieces regardless of instrumentation at hand which can lead to continual promotion for our composers.